"Empowering Women Over 40 to Thrive Through Peri/Menopause with the Strength, Health & Energy They Deserve." 
As our hormones change, life can feel messy. We have a harder timing managing 'all the things' and it can make you feel like you want to crawl in a hole and give up. I help busy women see how to best navigate this time of life so you can build the best future version of YOU! I help women through my Fit Life Method which incorporates the 6 Pillars of Health so you can take a multi faceted approach to taking great care of yourself. Want to learn more? Put your name and email below and I will send you my free workshop!

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"When women start to show up fully in their lives by taking control of their health and their mindset amazing change will happen. 
I am here to be your guide. "-  Kelly

What Is Behind The Idea Of "Me First"?
"Me First" is not selfish.
It does not mean I think ONLY of myself.
However, so many times I see women who spend so much time only thinking of others that they have fully lost how to trust themselves or give themselves permission to go after their goals.
Me First is about being a priority in your own life.
It's the most important thing.

Me First Manifesto

Before there were others to divide my attention there was me, first

I am the most important person in my life.
It is important that I take care of my body and my mind so I can feel my best.

I take care of myself, for myself, and not only to be better for others.

I make myself a priority in my days even when I am also taking care of others.
I say “yes” to things that fill me up and give me energy.

I protect myself above all from the demands placed on my time and energy.

I focus more on what I can do right now and take steps towards my goals vs. waste energy on all the obstacles that could come up.

I am in control of how I choose to show up in the world

I put myself first.

Coaching Testimonials 

"I am a better me… I like myself more!"

"I wanted a physical change. What I didn’t realize is how much I also needed a mental, emotional, and spiritual transformation. 
I felt guilty. All the time. About everything. Guilty for my list of to do’s that weren’t getting done. Guilty for losing my patience with the ones I love the most. Guilty for not eating and exercising right. I know what to do...why am I not doing it, how did I get here, and why do I feel stuck?
Within that first meeting with Kelly, she listened to me. I needed to be heard. She quickly became a trusted friend with a lot of knowledge, training, experience, and skill to help me realize some of the changes that needed to take place. She asked me questions that challenged me, and helped me with an action plan to get started. 
I was scared. Scared to change. Scared to spend the money and time on myself when I have four little people in my world to take care of. Her encouragement to me in this area is priceless. 
What I am learning through all of this is that when I take care of myself first I actually have more time, space, energy, and enthusiasm to spend time with the ones I love the most… I am a better me… I like myself more! I Started saying yes to new things and expanding my own identity past just wife, and mother... now, soccer coach, teacher aid, and Bible study leader! And yes my physical self is changing on the outside too and I am thrilled! But more importantly my inside is feeling whole. Something I didn’t even realize was missing until I re-connected with Kelly. "
- Dawn G

"No More Rollercoaster!"

"After years of losing and then regaining weight and never being able to maintain for very long, I was becoming increasingly frustrated with myself. Why bother to keep trying since I've not been able to be successful so far was the primary thought that kept going through my mind. Also continually beating myself up for not making my goals stick was leaving me feeling pretty miserable. I had enough glimpses of a healthy lifestyle that I knew I needed to continue to find ways to make it stick and that is where Kelly Altman comes into the picture. Working with Kelly, quickly opened up my mind to new ways of thinking and recognizing just how detrimental we can be to ourselves based on our negative self-talk and belief that pretty much everyone and everything should come before we take time for ourselves.
Learning to practice new ways of thinking, changing the beliefs I had about myself and learning new tools to navigate life have led me to a place I've been trying to get to for years. Kelly's positive, affirming, caring and thoughtful approach mixed with tangible ways to manage all that life throws at you has been a life changer. Since working with Kelly one on one, I have lost weight and while not at my final goal, I have maintained my weight longer than I have over the last 25 years. After a coaching session, I feel so positive, motivated and filled with new ways of looking at or trying new ways to navigate all life brings. Good-bye roller coaster! Hello to this new journey of living a life that brings me joy, peace and contentment like nothing I have ever tried before! I am so lucky that my path crossed with Kelly's and would recommend her to anyone who is struggling to see a clear path to success."
- Nicole C

"I was shocked at how simple it was..."

"In late winter I realized it was time for me to get healthy. For me, that meant being limber, to move faster with my five year-old, and to shed weight I had been hanging on to for decades. I started to search for someone to help me. Not a personal trainer, but a health coach. Someone that could understand how stuck my brain was, riddled with shame, unhealthy thoughts, and most of all, fear. After poking around online for a week I gave up. A few days later I was introduced to Kelly. She told me what she did and I said, “I need you.” I have a strong gut intuition, and something felt right about Kelly. We met two days later.
Prior to working with Kelly, I had created a story that prevented me from taking any action when it came to getting healthy. “I don’t even know where to start.” “I’m scared I’ll have to give up too much.” “It’s not going to work.” “What if I fail.”
But, I started meeting with Kelly on a weekly basis. She assured me I could shift my mindset and be successful. She educated me, challenged my thoughts, re-framed my thinking, and highlighted what I was capable of. She encouraged me to focus on my successes for the week, debunking the myths I had created. I started to experience results right away. The first was increased energy. I made a few food modifications and no longer felt the dreaded “3pm slump.” I started moving more each day and felt confident.
In a month I was down a pants size. I was shocked at how simple it was to lose weight right away. When it came time to plant my vegetable garden, I was more limber and didn’t get tired from the up and down and moving all over the yard. I was stronger and happier than I had been in ages.
I am so grateful I found Kelly. She has come to be my “Health Therapist.” Working with her is perfect for someone who needs a shift in perspective, to be challenged mentally and physically, and who wants to lead a healthier, fulfilling life."
- Renee D


"May 2017, was a changing point for me. I’ve been overweight all of my life and in May I hit a number on the scale that scared me. That was it, I thought! The next day I texted Kelly Altman knowing that she has helped a number of people and through tears I explained to her that I couldn’t keep going on this path. I have spent too much of my life afraid of being noticed and I was no longer going to live like that. I have known Kelly since 2011 when I started with Altman Fitness. While I was a member, I loved the trainers and the other members, I would generously describe myself as a casual participant. I went through life thinking as long as I had a membership somewhere to workout I didn’t have to pay attention or be intentional with my fitness and nutrition. At our first meeting Kelly identified several small steps I could take to change how my body responds to the food I eat. THIS ISN’T A DIET. Kelly helps me think of food in a different way and really focus on how my body responds to it. The changes I make are ones I will continue for the rest of my life. She provides a judgement free but honest look at what is getting in my way and what changes I can make to meet my goals. With Kelly’s help I have learned to challenge myself and also to celebrate small successes. Change doesn’t come overnight, but Kelly helped me to focus on my goals and as I achieve them, she has helped me set new ones. I’ve lost 42 lbs as of now and I couldn’t be more proud to celebrate the wins, but I continue to work hard and move toward my goals.
- Sarah B.
"I have loved the ability to talk through my struggles and know that I have someone to not only keep me accountable but also troubleshoot ways to improve and get over the hump. With each "breakthrough" I've gained more confidence.
 What I notice most is with the increase in my confidence, I am starting to get my voice back. it has allowed me to do more things that are important to me and create true balance in my life. I work out more, I eat better, I take more time for myself and I do it with less guilt than I used to.
The hardest part of change and "taking your life back" is sticking to it and believing you can do it. Kelly has helped me believe in myself again and that I deserve to be happy. THANK YOU!"
-Katie B
"I am a believer!
At my first coaching session with Kelly I trusted her advice regarding changing my diet which, I am not gonna lie, was just crazy to me. But not only is my energy been noticeably better, I haven’t’ had the mid day drag that I used to get after eating what I thought was a healthy meal! I used to feel so tired I could barely finish my work day. It’s amazing how I’ve noticed coworkers, one after the other about an hour after lunch each saying how tired they are and I don't feel that way anymore. I also noticed I am not hungry in between meals and the best part is...I lost two pounds in our first week!! Seeing and feeling the results of this direction of food choices encourages me that I can make this a lifestyle and not just a diet. Thanks to Kelly for the info, guidance, accountability, and support. I am so excited and it’s only been a week!"
- Regina R
"I am almost done with a 14 Day cleanse and it’s been awesome! I love the plan, love how I feel, and with coaching it’s been easy. I’ve dropped 5-6 lbs and I’m not even done yet. All the direction from Kelly has been a crucial element in my success. I’m so glad I did it!"

-Anne R

"Kelly’s programs have given me the permission to dig in deep and be honest with myself. I’m a care taker and do a great job helping others, but often don’t take care of myself. The one on one discussions mean the focus is all on me. While our calls are only once a week, I find myself multiple times during the week replaying pieces of our discussion which help keep me focused. My stress level is at an all-time low (despite a million things going on that would normal spin me out of control) and I find myself enjoying things more because I’m better able to be in the moment. I’ve maintained my weight which has always been a struggle for me and have a higher level of confidence that I can continue to lose to get to my ultimate goal and be able to successfully maintain. 
This has been absolutely worth it – both the money and the time. It’s an investment in myself and my well-being overall and you really can’t put a price on that. This isn’t a quick fix, it’s a life changer. "

-Nikki, MN

kellyaltman.com - All Rights Reserved
Kelly Altman is a health and fitness professional, author, and weight loss expert who personally lost over 60 pounds and has kept it off for over 15 years. The founder of The Kelly Altman Movement, her Kelly Altman Formula has helped thousands of women lose weight and keep it off forever.
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